Yenikarpuzlu - Йеникарпузлу - Γενικάρπουζλου
It is 132 km away from Edirne city center and 12 km away from İpsala district center. Yenikarpuzlu town was established on a small hill at the edge of a plain. It is surrounded by Koyuntepe to the east, Kumdere village to the northeast, Pasaköy to the north, Meric River, which forms the Greek border, to the west and Enez district to the south.
Yenikarpuzlu Town was founded in 1877 by Pomaks who came from Greece and Bulgaria and settled in the region. Its first name was Musellim Cedit, then Karpuzlu and finally Yenikarpuzlu.
Yenikarpuzlu Town was founded in 1877 by Pomaks who came from Greece and Bulgaria and settled in the region. Its first name was Musellim Cedit, then Karpuzlu and finally Yenikarpuzlu.
Altitude | 19 m |
Population 2022 | 2.984 |
Telephone Area Code | 284 |
License Plate Code | 22 |
Postal Code | 22420 |
Distance to Provincial Center | 132 km |
Mayor | Ufuk Atalay |
Last Update | |
Views | 83 |
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Yenikarpuzlu Transportation
Fevzi Cakmak -
Gazi -