Turkey Population Information
Turkey Province Populations - Sorting: Total Province Population (Click on the names for province details)) |
Rank | Provinces | Province/District Center | Towns/Villages | Total |
1 | Istanbul | 15.907.951 | 15.907.951 | |
2 | Ankara | 5.782.285 | 5.782.285 | |
3 | Izmir | 4.462.056 | 4.462.056 | |
4 | Bursa | 3.194.720 | 3.194.720 | |
5 | Antalya | 2.688.004 | 2.688.004 | |
6 | Konya | 2.296.347 | 2.296.347 | |
7 | Adana | 2.274.106 | 2.274.106 | |
8 | Sanliurfa | 2.170.110 | 2.170.110 | |
9 | Gaziantep | 2.154.051 | 2.154.051 | |
10 | Kocaeli | 2.079.072 | 2.079.072 | |
11 | Mersin | 1.916.432 | 1.916.432 | |
12 | Diyarbakir | 1.804.880 | 1.804.880 | |
13 | Hatay | 1.686.043 | 1.686.043 | |
14 | Manisa | 1.468.279 | 1.468.279 | |
15 | Kayseri | 1.441.523 | 1.441.523 | |
16 | Samsun | 1.368.488 | 1.368.488 | |
17 | Balikesir | 1.257.590 | 1.257.590 | |
18 | Kahramanmaras | 1.177.436 | 1.177.436 | |
19 | Aydin | 1.148.241 | 1.148.241 | |
20 | Tekirdag | 1.142.451 | 1.142.451 | |
21 | Van | 1.128.749 | 1.128.749 | |
22 | Sakarya | 1.080.080 | 1.080.080 | |
23 | Denizli | 1.056.332 | 1.056.332 | |
24 | Mugla | 1.048.185 | 1.048.185 | |
25 | Eskisehir | 906.617 | 906.617 | |
26 | Mardin | 870.374 | 870.374 | |
27 | Trabzon | 818.023 | 818.023 | |
28 | Malatya | 812.580 | 812.580 | |
29 | Ordu | 763.190 | 763.190 | |
30 | Erzurum | 749.754 | 749.754 | |
31 | Afyonkarahisar | 461.436 | 286.119 | 747.555 |
32 | Adiyaman | 458.278 | 176.891 | 635.169 |
33 | Sivas | 485.991 | 148.933 | 634.924 |
34 | Batman | 524.208 | 110.283 | 634.491 |
35 | Tokat | 407.820 | 188.634 | 596.454 |
36 | Elazig | 459.901 | 131.596 | 591.497 |
37 | Zonguldak | 374.309 | 214.201 | 588.510 |
38 | Kutahya | 427.985 | 152.716 | 580.701 |
39 | Osmaniye | 439.537 | 119.868 | 559.405 |
40 | Canakkale | 346.026 | 213.357 | 559.383 |
41 | Sirnak | 362.910 | 194.695 | 557.605 |
42 | Corum | 395.258 | 128.872 | 524.130 |
43 | Agri | 306.295 | 204.331 | 510.626 |
44 | Giresun | 306.449 | 144.413 | 450.862 |
45 | Isparta | 334.121 | 111.204 | 445.325 |
46 | Aksaray | 316.755 | 116.300 | 433.055 |
47 | Yozgat | 276.545 | 141.897 | 418.442 |
48 | Edirne | 313.561 | 101.153 | 414.714 |
49 | Duzce | 275.943 | 129.188 | 405.131 |
50 | Mus | 194.379 | 204.823 | 399.202 |
51 | Kastamonu | 244.090 | 134.025 | 378.115 |
52 | Usak | 287.884 | 87.570 | 375.454 |
53 | Kirklareli | 271.471 | 97.876 | 369.347 |
54 | Nigde | 229.249 | 136.170 | 365.419 |
55 | Bitlis | 223.062 | 130.926 | 353.988 |
56 | Rize | 234.538 | 109.478 | 344.016 |
57 | Amasya | 252.474 | 85.793 | 338.267 |
58 | Siirt | 224.021 | 107.290 | 331.311 |
59 | Bolu | 235.709 | 85.115 | 320.824 |
60 | Nevsehir | 205.761 | 104.250 | 310.011 |
61 | Yalova | 217.788 | 78.545 | 296.333 |
62 | Bingol | 191.329 | 91.227 | 282.556 |
63 | Kirikkale | 244.346 | 32.700 | 277.046 |
64 | Hakkari | 167.671 | 107.662 | 275.333 |
65 | Kars | 142.121 | 132.708 | 274.829 |
66 | Burdur | 193.185 | 80.614 | 273.799 |
67 | Karaman | 199.936 | 60.902 | 260.838 |
68 | Karabuk | 196.778 | 55.280 | 252.058 |
69 | Kirsehir | 197.865 | 46.654 | 244.519 |
70 | Erzincan | 184.940 | 54.283 | 239.223 |
71 | Bilecik | 190.773 | 37.900 | 228.673 |
72 | Sinop | 139.531 | 81.268 | 220.799 |
73 | Igdir | 119.856 | 83.738 | 203.594 |
74 | Bartin | 96.333 | 107.018 | 203.351 |
75 | Cankiri | 138.352 | 57.414 | 195.766 |
76 | Artvin | 107.965 | 61.438 | 169.403 |
77 | Kilis | 116.361 | 31.558 | 147.919 |
78 | Gumushane | 87.475 | 57.069 | 144.544 |
79 | Ardahan | 39.123 | 53.358 | 92.481 |
80 | Tunceli | 56.310 | 28.056 | 84.366 |
81 | Bayburt | 55.326 | 28.915 | 84.241 |
Turkey Overview | 79.613.279 | 5.666.274 | 85.279.553 |
With the latest Metropolitan Municipality law, villages in provinces that gained metropolitan status were converted into neighborhoods. These neighborhoods were also attached to their districts. In addition, town organizations were abolished in these provinces. All these settlements became a single district population.
Sources of published data: Turkey Statistical Institute
Not a substitute for official information. Our website is not responsible for any possible typographical errors.
Not a substitute for official information. Our website is not responsible for any possible typographical errors.
Publishing: 9 November 2024 - Last Update: 28 December 2024 - View Count: 420