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Provincial General Council Election Results (2019) (The results are the totals of all ballot boxes within the province.) |
City | Majority-Winning Party | Number of Votes Received | Percentage of Votes Received | Council Member |
Edirne | CHP | 112.789 | 43,2 % | 15 |
Kirklareli | CHP | 116.159 | 49,7 % | 15 |
Canakkale | CHP | 142.418 | 41,3 % | 18 |
Adiyaman | AK PARTİ | 168.224 | 51,6 % | 27 |
Afyonkarahisar | AK PARTİ | 198.033 | 44,7 % | 36 |
Agri | HDP | 99.099 | 45,2 % | 15 |
Aksaray | AK PARTİ | 98.840 | 44,4 % | 13 |
Amasya | AK PARTİ | 86.249 | 40,4 % | 11 |
Ardahan | AK PARTİ | 19.444 | 36,4 % | 7 |
Artvin | AK PARTİ | 48.406 | 42,7 % | 11 |
Bartin | AK PARTİ | 57.585 | 46,2 % | 8 |
Batman | HDP | 157.003 | 58,8 % | 11 |
Bayburt | AK PARTİ | 20.988 | 45,4 % | 4 |
Bilecik | AK PARTİ | 49.733 | 36,8 % | 10 |
Bingol | AK PARTİ | 63.806 | 48,4 % | 15 |
Bitlis | AK PARTİ | 61.448 | 39,0 % | 13 |
Bolu | AK PARTİ | 87.418 | 45,3 % | 16 |
Burdur | AK PARTİ | 72.673 | 42,6 % | 18 |
Cankiri | AK PARTİ | 60.765 | 46,8 % | 18 |
Corum | AK PARTİ | 151.138 | 45,1 % | 25 |
Duzce | AK PARTİ | 112.611 | 47,7 % | 15 |
Elazig | AK PARTİ | 137.640 | 42,4 % | 20 |
Erzincan | AK PARTİ | 48.917 | 36,3 % | 11 |
Giresun | AK PARTİ | 132.732 | 45,9 % | 27 |
Gumushane | AK PARTİ | 41.944 | 44,8 % | 9 |
Hakkari | HDP | 72.270 | 54,2 % | 9 |
Igdir | HDP | 44.176 | 44,5 % | 6 |
Isparta | AK PARTİ | 110.873 | 41,8 % | 26 |
Karabuk | AK PARTİ | 62.908 | 43,0 % | 12 |
Karaman | AK PARTİ | 62.588 | 41,7 % | 12 |
Kars | AK PARTİ | 43.774 | 30,9 % | 12 |
Kastamonu | AK PARTİ | 106.009 | 43,6 % | 28 |
Kirikkale | AK PARTİ | 67.135 | 40,0 % | 13 |
Kirsehir | AK PARTİ | 54.888 | 39,4 % | 10 |
Kilis | AK PARTİ | 33.448 | 47,1 % | 8 |
Kutahya | AK PARTİ | 162.286 | 44,3 % | 27 |
Mus | HDP | 78.131 | 44,4 % | 15 |
Nevsehir | AK PARTİ | 85.330 | 47,7 % | 14 |
Nigde | AK PARTİ | 84.997 | 40,6 % | 12 |
Osmaniye | MHP | 101.072 | 34,4 % | 10 |
Rize | AK PARTİ | 121.223 | 57,5 % | 25 |
Siirt | AK PARTİ | 65.812 | 45,0 % | 15 |
Sinop | AK PARTİ | 70.439 | 51,2 % | 18 |
Sivas | AK PARTİ | 170.181 | 44,7 % | 27 |
Sirnak | HDP | 129.970 | 57,5 % | 18 |
Tokat | AK PARTİ | 159.816 | 42,6 % | 20 |
Tunceli | CHP | 14.806 | 27,6 % | 9 |
Usak | AK PARTİ | 94.309 | 41,4 % | 11 |
Yalova | AK PARTİ | 61.173 | 42,4 % | 11 |
Yozgat | AK PARTİ | 110.184 | 44,5 % | 25 |
Zonguldak | AK PARTİ | 162.295 | 43,4 % | 19 |
Sources of published data: Turkey Statistical Institute
- Supreme Election Council
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Not a substitute for official information. Our website is not responsible for any possible typographical errors.
Publishing: 9 November 2024 - Last Update: 9 November 2024 - View Count: 1.319