About Us

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Our Thrace themed website, which started broadcasting in 2005 with the address trakya-net.com and later continued on its way as Trakyanet.com, brings you the most up-to-date regional information.

trakyanetAll the episodes on air are related to the Thrace region. These are; Eastern Thrace (Edirne, Kirklareli, Tekirdag, Istanbul [Catalca, Silivri] and Canakkale [Gelibolu, Eceabat]), Western Thrace (Evros, Rodopi, Iskece) provinces and Northern Thrace (Burgas, Sliven, Yanbolu, Haskoy, Stara Zagora, Filibe, Kircaali, Pasmakli and Pazarcik) provinces. All promotional information of the cities is updated daily. In addition, the most special photographs that have not been published in Turkey are compiled from the Ottoman, Russian, Bulgarian, Greek and Serbian archives along with the current photographs.

Our content sources are primarily official institutions and organizations. In addition, other private institutions, social media and other printed sources are also used. For information outside of Turkey, archives and museums of many countries are also used.

While most of the multimedia materials used on our site consist of files we have produced or shot, we also use the other sources listed above.

Necessary permissions are obtained from the owners for copyrighted materials. However, sometimes the owners of content obtained from publicly available media cannot be reached. If you think that a content belonging to you has been published without permission, please let us know with the necessary evidence via our contact section.

Our site publishes for promotional purposes. For this reason, it does not currently use any membership system. You can access all our content without limit. However, you can contact us for more details about the content you are interested in.

Our Sections

These are the homepages of the provinces of Eastern Thrace (Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ, İstanbul [Çatalca, Silivri] and Çanakkale [Gelibolu, Eceabat]), Western Thrace (Evros, Rodopi, Xanthi) and Northern Thrace (Burgaz, Sliven, Yanbolu, Hasköy, Stara Zagora, Plovdiv, Kırcaali, Paşmaklı and Pazarcık). You can access all related sub-contents from here.
You can find all kinds of statistical information about the Turkish part of Thrace. While TÜİK data is used as the basis, information from many ministries and organizations is also used. There are many sub-categories such as population, migration, economy, tourism, health, election results.
Articles related to all types of settlements in the Thrace regions are in this section. There are many sub-categories such as their history, geography, education and administrative status, health and press organizations, economic status, sports, transportation information and celebrities who grew up here.
Along with recreation areas, historical artifacts, museums and natural areas in the Thrace regions; There is a lot of tourism information on these pages, such as local food, clothing, traditions and events.
All kinds of detailed information about accommodation facilities established in Thrace settlements, transportation information and reservation links are on these pages.
Very detailed information about official and private institutions operating in Thrace settlements is on these pages.
All kinds of photos, drawings, video files related to Thrace settlements and their contents, as well as a large folk song archive are on these pages. We also have online map publishing system sections with our various and detailed regional maps.
You can find the most up-to-date news about the Thrace region compiled from many news agencies in this section.

Our Publication Language

Our website is based in Turkey. However, since we also have content for the parts of the Thrace region within the borders of Bulgaria and Greece, our site is multilingual. The currently available languages are:

Turkish Turkish
English English
Bulgarian Bulgarian
Greek Greek

If there is a demand for other languages among our audience, new publication languages will be added.

Our infrastructure does not include automatic language translation (such as Google Translate). Both our infrastructure and content are prepared in these languages. For first-time visitors, the website opens in the language used in their web browser. However, language selection can be made at any time from the top-right corner.

While preparing translations, artificial intelligence language models are utilized. However, some typos may occur. You can report these to us through our contact channel.

Our Infrastructure

trakyanetOur site uses several open source content systems as infrastructure. These extremely powerful and talented systems are constantly kept up to date. However, the main backbone of our site is the Trakyanet Content System, which is built on these content management systems. The coding is completely ours, written from scratch and is not a derivative of any ready-made code. In this way, the entire site has been provided to be a local system at a rate of approximately 80%. Although all security measures have been taken, it continues to be developed. Since it is completely prepared specifically for our site, it is not sold or distributed. However, this idea is being considered for the future.

Trakyanet Content System Updates

Version 1.1
English, Bulgarian, and Greek languages have been added in addition to Turkish. The infrastructure and all content have been prepared in 4 languages. Automatic language selection based on the visitor's language has been enabled.
Identified issues were resolved. Security has been enhanced.
Version 1.0
First published system version
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