You can see the larger version by clicking on the map
The map, based on the General Directorate of Mapping Atlas System, is free of charge.
Maps provided free of charge on websites by various countries and commercial entities often include points that are contrary to national interests due to intentional or unintentional descriptions. To prevent this, various types and scales of maps prepared by the General Directorate of Mapping are offered free of charge on HGM pages in a way that local and foreign users can easily access to encourage widespread use.
With the copyrights reserved by the General Directorate of Mapping, the maps may be freely used and distributed by any user outside of commercial activities. For this reason, this map is published on our website for informational purposes only. It is not sold commercially. It does not serve as official information, and our website is not responsible for any potential typographical errors or inaccuracies.
The map, based on the General Directorate of Mapping Atlas System, is free of charge.
Maps provided free of charge on websites by various countries and commercial entities often include points that are contrary to national interests due to intentional or unintentional descriptions. To prevent this, various types and scales of maps prepared by the General Directorate of Mapping are offered free of charge on HGM pages in a way that local and foreign users can easily access to encourage widespread use.
With the copyrights reserved by the General Directorate of Mapping, the maps may be freely used and distributed by any user outside of commercial activities. For this reason, this map is published on our website for informational purposes only. It is not sold commercially. It does not serve as official information, and our website is not responsible for any potential typographical errors or inaccuracies.