Luleburgaz Villages and Neighborhoods

Luleburgaz Villages and Neighborhoods
Kirklareli / Luleburgaz You can find information about the villages, neighborhoods, and the neighborhoods of towns in the district below.
Recently Updated Village / Neighborhood
Luleburgaz Villages
Luleburgaz Central Neighborhoods
8 Kasim Ataturk Baris Dere Durak Genclik Gundogu Gunes Hurriyet Independence Inonu Kocasinan Kurtulus New Ozerler Republic Sarimsakli Sevgi Siteler Yildirim Yildiz Yilmaz Zafer
Ahmetbey Neighborhoods of the Town
Dere Gundogu Karsiyaka
Buyukkaristiran Neighborhoods of the Town
Fatih Kucukkaristiran New Yildirim
Evrensekiz Neighborhoods of the Town
Fatih Gundogu Kircali
Akcakoy -
Alacaoglu -
Ayvali -
Celaliye -
Ceylankoy -
Cengelli -
Cesmekolu -
Ciftlikkoy -
Davutlu -
Duguncubasi -
Emirali -
Ertugrul -
Eskibedir -
Eskitasli -
Hamitabat -
Hamzabey -
Karaagac -
Karamusul -
Kayabeyli -
Kirikoy -
Musellim -
Okali -
Ovacik -
Sakizkoy -
Saricaali -
Seyitler -
Tatarkoy -
Turgutbey -
Umurca -
Yenibedir -